How Long Does It Take To Become A Classic?

There are two very good places
to be as a business.

You can be
the new and exciting
the business the trendy people
want to be associated with.


You can be
the classic business,
the business that has been
in existence for a while,
is dependable,
is likely one of the first businesses
people recommend
to those new to your niche.

Both being ‘new’
and being ‘classic’
depends on your niche.

I’ve released a story
every two months
in one niche
since 2015.

I was considered
to be a ‘new’ writer
for about 6 months
or 3 releases.

I’m now considered to be
a ‘classic’ writer
in that niche.
I achieved that
after a mere 5 years
of existence in the niche.

One of my other buddies
has been writing
in another niche
for over a decade.

She was considered
to be ‘new’
for the first three years.

She has at least
another decade
to go
before she is considered
to be a ‘classic’ writer
in her niche.

‘New’ and ‘Classic’
are subjective terms
and depend solely on your niche,
on how often new businesses
enter it
and how long businesses
last in it.

These terms are powerful.
Know when you can incorporate them
into your marketing copy.

Categorized as Marketing