There For The Extras

I post quite a few things
on social media.
I post purchased stock art
for story inspiration.
I post stories about
my family and my neighborhood.
I also, of course,
post about my books.

Whenever I post
about my books,
people unfriend
or unfollow me.

Some of them
before they do that.

I really don’t give
a sh*t
about those complaints.

The folks
who are only there
for the ‘extras’
aren’t my target audience.

They not only want to be
entertained for free
but they want to do it
without any interruptions,
without any mention
of how I make a living.

They won’t ever be buyers.
If they can’t even
tolerate one post
about my products,
they definitely aren’t
ever going to buy them.

If people complain about
posts regarding your products/services
on your business social media accounts,
let them go.