This Is The Reality We’re Living In

I try
to make the future
the best it can be.
I try
to drive the positive changes
I can influence,
to support leaders
I believe
will make the world
a better place.

But I know
I can’t do much
to change the situation today.
I have to work
with the reality
I’m facing.

We have the leaders
we currently have.
We either have
to work with them
work around them.

We can’t undo the changes
the crisis has wrought on us.
We have to accept them
and incorporate them
into our plans.

There are many other things
we can’t change
right now.
Fighting or bemoaning
their existence
won’t make them disappear,
at least not today.
Wishing our reality was different
won’t make it so.

We CAN change
how we deal with these things,
We CAN make the best
out of the situation,
while striving for future change.
We CAN ensure
our businesses and our loved ones
survive our current reality.

Tackle today’s reality
and THEN look toward
creating a better future.