There have been protests
against the isolation orders
in some US States.
The argument is
we shouldn’t be forced
to stay inside our homes.
The thing is…
we AREN’T being forced
to stay inside our homes.
We can give blood.
We can get a job
at a grocery store,
ensuring people around us
are fed.
We can volunteer
at a food bank.
We can deliver
groceries and supplies
to our vulnerable neighbors.
We can craft
and deliver cloth masks.
I could list
a thousand things
we could do.
But the issue
I suspect the protesters have
many of these things
are being done
including self-isolating themselves.
These aren’t non-critical things
that are being done
for their own enjoyment.
The protesters want
OTHER people to put themselves
at risk to make them happy,
not the other way around.
The measures many areas
are taking during this crisis
are generous acts.
And there is a portion
of the population
who aren’t generous people.
Note who these people are
because they are unlikely
to ever help you
in a crisis,
unless it serves their own purposes.