Running A Charity Event During Times Of Crisis

The Romance Novel Community
is extremely generous.
In times of crisis,
they often run fundraisers
for those impacted.

The temptation is
to do the same
during this crisis.

Which is great
as long as everyone understands
this crisis is different.

Often a crisis only impacts
one group of people.

The fires in California
impacted only people
in California, for example.
The rest of the US
wasn’t impacted.
Feeling grateful and comfortable
about their own situation,
people in other areas of the US
could more freely give
extra funds or resources
they had.

This current crisis impacts
almost everyone.

Almost everyone in the US
and around the world
knows a loved one
who either has COVID-19
or has lost their job
due to COVID-19.

Non-impacted people are giving
to these loved ones
and are less likely
to give to events or organizations.

With this in mind,
it might be beneficial
to try something different.

Perhaps participants can fund raise
for their loved ones
or you make the ask less
(more people might be able
to afford $1)
or they receive a ‘gift’
they would need in this crisis
or something else
I haven’t yet thought of.

This is not the ‘average’ crisis.
Be creative
when planning a charity event
during these times.

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