Would Your Business Survive During A Quarantine?

Panic never helped
any situation.
It normally makes
situations worse.

But being prepared
is merely being prudent.

More than 16 million people,
entire regions
have been quarantined in Italy.
Entire regions
were quarantined in China.

There IS a very real possibility
the regions we live in
could be quarantined.

Would the business
you’re building survive?

Can you ship product
to a distribution place
outside your region
to mitigate the risk a bit?

Can you add an online component
to your consulting business,
solving problems
via video calls?

Can you order supplies
in advance
in case
your supplier’s region
is quarantined?

Can you save some cash
to ease possible lean times
in the future?

There are many little ways
we can prepare.

Be rational.
so it doesn’t hurt
your business
if this worst case doesn’t happen
also prepare so it helps
your business if it DOES happen.

As my Awesome Mom
often tells me,
“Hope for the best.
Prepare for the worst.”

(I hope in six months
to look back at this post
and consider it
to be an overreaction
to the situation.)