The Bigger The Change…

There is a reason
many ‘innovations’
are fairly small.
The bigger the change,
the more resistant
people are to it.

A large change
also requires
a special type of target market.

Seth Godin

“When we try
to change behavior
to make culture better,
what we’re actually doing is
trying to get people
to change their timeframe.

The more sophisticated
an audience believes it is,
the easier it is to help them
see that
there’s more than
the next ten seconds
in front of them.

on the other hand,
only care about
what feels good
in this very moment.”

If you’re trying to appeal
to large target markets,
you’re appealing to the mob.
They are only concerned
with the moment
and they’re highly resistant
to change.

A steady stream
of small innovations
might be more successful
than one giant leap
in innovation.

Categorized as Marketing