Are You Giving As Much As You’re Taking?

I belong to a group
of five writers
who email every day,
encouraging each other
and sharing tips.

One writer,
one of the more successful ones,
doesn’t share tips.
She has been open
about using the group
to vent about issues
no one else wants to hear about.

we don’t want to hear
about it

Yesterday, she posted
about how she was accepted
to an exclusive writers conference.

No one responded.


Because none of us
will benefit AT ALL
from her attendance
at this writers conference.
She will keep all of that knowledge
to herself
while reading the tips
we post all year round.

If you take and don’t give,
people notice.
Great companies and successful people
tend to track
this information.

If you want a relationship to last,
ensure you give
as much as you take.