Luck And Action

I admit
to having been luckier
than most of my writing buddies.
I’ve had more breakout hits.
I’ve had more surprise mentions
by big writers and other celebrities.
I’ve been discovered
by more influentials.

But I’ve also written
MANY more stories
than most of my writing buddies.
I show up at
MANY more events.
I talk to
MANY more people.

If we calculated a ratio
of luck to any of these actions,
I suspect my ratio
would be the same as
the ratios of my writing buddies.

I have more luck
because I take more action.

Seth Godin

“If you show up
with good work
and generous action,
again and again,
sooner or later
something that appears
to others
to be luck
will appear.”

If you want to
get lucky more,
do more.