Innovation Is Risk

I’m trying a different marketing tactic.
If it works,
it should take my Romance Novel Business
to the next level.

But there is a large probability
it might not work.
It isn’t a ‘proven’ tactic.
I’m not certain
what the results will be.

I’m okay with that
because I’m interested
in innovation
and as
Seth Godin

“The innovator shows up
with something she knows
might not work
(pause for a second,
and contrast that with everyone else,
who has been trained
to show up
with a proven, verified,
approved, deniable answer
that will get them an A on the test).”

If you’re interested
in becoming an innovator,
you’re agreeing to take risks.

If you take risks,
you WILL fail.

Learn to be comfortable
with both risk
and failure.

Categorized as Marketing