My ideal Romance Novel customer
pre-orders books
from her favorite writers.
She reads them on release day.
She re-reads the books
she loves.
She cares more about
reading books first
than the price of those books.
When I make decisions,
I put that customer first.
I don’t give out
Advance Reading Copies
to reviewers and bloggers,
for example,
because that would mean
my ideal reader
isn’t reading the book first.
I DO promote
pre-orders heavily
because I know
my ideal reader
will be upset
if she doesn’t know
one of my books
is releasing soon.
Aimee Lapic,
CMO of
“If you put the customer first,
you can pretty much market anything.”
And by customer,
I believe she means
the ideal customer.
Craft a description
of your ideal customer
and then consider her
in all of your decisions.