One of my pen names
in the Romance Novel business
is big enough,
popular enough
that, when I attend events,
I divert focus away from
other writers.
If I linger at a Facebook party,
for example,
readers want to chat with me,
and not with the guest host.
That’s rude
and not fair to the guest host.
So I show up during my time slot
and then I leave.
I don’t stay for the entire party.
I don’t make ‘small talk.’
I do what I’ve been assigned to do
and that’s it.
That saves time for me.
And my brief appearance
makes more of an impact.
The frustrating truth is…
I could have done this
when my pen name
wasn’t as well known.
“But the same rules
apply in our daily lives.
If a meeting is scheduled
for an hour,
you’re allowed to leave
after ten minutes if you’re done.”
You don’t have to stay
for the entire duration
If you don’t like a movie,
you can walk out
of the theater.
If you’re not learning anything
from a workshop
you’re voluntarily taking,
you can leave
during a break
and never return.
You have the ability
to leave.
Use it.