One of the things
that bothered me
with Traditional Publishing,
with basically being
an employee
of a publishing company,
is that
the publishing company
the majority of the income
and I received
a tiny sliver of it.
I don’t mind paying partners.
I do that now
with my cover artist,
editor and formatter.
I give them a base amount
and some of the profits.
A fair percentage of the profits.
I’m writing the stories.
I’m marketing them
(even when I work
through a publisher).
I’m doing the bulk of the work.
I should keep
the bulk of the profits.
“You look around
and you could be working
for 10 years,
you’ve got all these people
on your team,
you’re paying this person,
that person,
and you look up,
and you don’t have
no money in the bank
because you’ve given it
to everybody else.
That’s what I said about
prostituting your gift.
You have a gift and
you’re allowing
everybody else
to profit off of the gift.”
Ensure YOU are profiting
from YOUR gifts.
Build your business
so you receive
the majority of the profits.