Begin And End With A Tagline

I begin each blurb
(a book’s marketing copy)
with a short tagline.

I also end the blurb
with a different short tagline.

(Both taglines are
visually separated
from the rest of the blurb.
They are often in bold.)


Because most readers (prospects)
start reading a blurb
and then quickly switch
to scanning it (for keywords).

Often the taglines
are all they truly read.

And this is with having
as prospects.

Seth Godin

“Ten words per page

That’s how many words
get scanned
the first time through.
Perhaps five on a billboard.

Which means that
your memo, your ad,
your announcement, your post
–you get ten words.”

Create taglines,
short marketing messages,
for your product/service.

Then highlight these taglines
in your marketing
and realize
that is likely all
your prospects will read.

Categorized as Marketing