Judge The Tone In The Room

I hosted an online event.

I posted a joke.
Attendees tore it apart,
pointing out a misuse of a comma,
why it wasn’t funny,
posting slightly off topic sad stories.

I then posted
a picture of kittens,
what I call
the emergency kitten post,
the post I make
when things are bad online.
Attendees complained
about kittens getting all the love,
told stories about kittens dying,
and made other sad or gruesome comments.

I realized then
that talking about my books
(my products)
was NOT a good idea.
Attendees were in a bad mood.
Talking about my books
would only associate them
with this bad mood.

No sales were happening
at that event.

So I talked about other things,
lighthearted things,
and endured the grumpy comments.

Before pitching your product/service,
gauge the tone of the ‘room.’
If occupants are not at all receptive
save your pitch for another interaction.

Categorized as Sales