Your Time Frame And Your Business

I write in a niche
that has very few
instant successes.
It takes time
and a backlist (a stable of products)
to lure readers (customers).

A new writer
was getting frustrated.
She had been published
for six months
and wasn’t seeing
a big readership gain.

I told her
the average writer wouldn’t
see a big readership gain,
not in that time frame.

She said she had to
gain sales
or financially she wouldn’t survive.

I wanted to tell her
she had chosen
the wrong niche.

Some niches,
some industries
take longer
for customer builds to happen.

If you’re offering a new way
to heat a house,
for example,
it could take decades
to build a healthy customer base.

It will definitely take longer
than a business offering
a new type of fruit juice.

Know these time frames
before starting your business.
Ensure you have the funding
to last.