Danielle Steel And Working Hard While We’re Young

I worked like hell
when I was in my twenties
and thirties.
I had the energy.
I had the enthusiasm.
I had sh*t I wanted
to get done.

And I’m glad I did
because it set me up
not only financially
but habit-wise
for the rest of my life.

I work less hard now
that I’m in my forties
but still harder than most people
because it is a habit for me.
I have the mental muscles
to work hard.

Danielle Steel

“And pardon me,
but I think your twenties
and a good part of your thirties
are about working hard
so that you have
a better quality of life
later on.

I mean,
I never expected
that quality of life at 25.

I had three jobs
at the same time,
and after work I wrote.”

Work hard now
while you’re young.