Provide Limited Choices

There’s a story
people tell
about one of my loved ones.
He walked into a mall.
Everything was on sale.
The bargains were
huge and numerous.
He couldn’t decide
what to buy
so he walked out with nothing.

This happens to many people.

Seth Godin

“Confronted with
the unlimited selection
offered by any music streaming service,
people choke.
They pick an old favorite,
a current hit
or something banal.
The same is true
with the nooks and crannies
of Amazon
or most pieces of software
–when people can have
anything they want,
suddenly what they want
isn’t much at all.

People are good at
“a, b or c?”.
Not as good at
“pick a card, any card.”
And terrible at,
“think of a number
between one and a trillion.””

Provide prospects
with limited choices
(preferably no more than 3).

That will increase
the odds of them
choosing something.

Categorized as Sales