ARE Your Customers Introverts?

A client k reader
asked me how I determined
most of my customers
were introverts.

(This post is an example
of how to market to introverts.
I answer a question
they might have
– that an extrovert voiced –
without forcing them to ask it.)

An easy test
is offering customers
something they would value
in exchange for their ‘thoughts’.

Extroverts will likely respond.
They tend to love
sharing their thoughts,
will often do that for free.

Introverts are much less likely
to respond.
And when they DO respond,
they’ll grumble about it.

I, for example,
was giving newsletter subscribers
a free exclusive-to-them story
simply for replying to the newsletter.

Very few of my newsletter subscribers
and those that did
suggested I set up a way
to retrieve the story
without forcing them to contact me.

THAT is an introvert-heavy
readership (customer base).

Oh, and an important realization
for marketers to make
is simply agreeing to receive a newsletter
can be a big step
for an introvert.
It can be an indication
of extreme interest.

Roughly what percentage
of your prospects/customers
are introverts?

Categorized as Marketing