The Connection Economy

A successfully selling
fictional book
doesn’t merely tell
a great story.
It tells a great story
many readers can connect to.

When I craft a book character,
I ask myself
“What is this character
that many of my readers
are also experiencing?
Why would they connect
with him or her?”

Because that is what
readers are truly craving
– connection.

I craft my marketing efforts
to do that also.
I ask questions.
I share an experience
readers might have also
went through.

If I connect with prospects,
I can sell to them.

Seth Godin

…connection is at
the heart of the economy
we live in now.

Connection means
finding the others.
Embracing peer support,
giving more than you get,
engaging with ideas
and with other people.”

Your prospects
are likely craving connection also.

Figure out a way
to give it to them.

Categorized as Sales