Your Break-Even Customer Base

I need to sell
500 units of every Romance Novel
to cover my production costs.

My target readership
(customer base)
is double that
– 1,000 readers

THOSE are my readers.
Those are the folks
I need to make happy.
They are the people
who will keep
my Romance Novel Business

I know these readers.
I know what they like.
I publish my stories for them
and I ignore the haters,
the readers who don’t get
what I’m trying to do.

And that,
I believe,
is why I’m successful.
These 1,000 readers
allow me to be creative,
to awe,
to amaze,
to write different stories.

Seth Godin

“Two things happen
when you delight
your minimum viable audience:

1. you discover
it’s a lot larger group
than you expected

2. they tell the others

On the other hand,
if you aim for mass
(another word for average),
you’ll probably create
something average.

Which gets you not very far.”

Know your break-even sales number.
Keep that customer base happy.