A male writer asked a question
in a writing group.
I hesitated before answering it
because male writers
tend to not take advice
from female writers.
They either ignore female writers
or they argue with them.
I felt ashamed
because that was a stereotype.
Every male writer is an individual.
I shouldn’t assume things
based on his sex.
So I posted my answer.
And he argued with me.
(I didn’t argue back.
I don’t have time
for that sh*t.)
I know when I talk to a man,
the man is likely to perceive me,
a woman,
as being emotional and irrational.
So I scrub as much of the emotion
from my voice as possible.
And I present facts
backed up with research.
Fighting the negative stereotype
increases the odds
I’ll be seen as an individual.
Know how you are stereotyped.