Making Money From Product Misses

One of my writing buddies
uses the spaghetti method
with her books.
She writes a gazillion books
in different niches
and hopes one of them
‘sticks’ or sells.

She’s been doing this
for a decade and a half.
Nothing has sold.

But now she has
a vast collection of ‘misses’,
books (products) that haven’t found
a readership (a customer base).

What she is doing
is grouping them
by a common element
(they’re all set in a specific state,
for example),
putting them in a series,
and giving away the first book
in that series.

Is she making millions
from each book?
But she’s making a living
from this
and she’s making more
per book
than she previously did.

You CAN make money
from product misses,
especially if you have
quite a few of them.

Look at these old products
in a new way.