Women notice different things.
We have different needs and concerns.
Lauren Gwin,
Founder of
The Artemis Company,
“I also noticed that
when girls went out
to the clubs
or to parties
to socialize at night,
the only things
they would carry with them
would be their phones
and their car keys.
No one wanted
to carry a purse
with them
when they went out
and if they did,
it was not big enough
to store a self-defense weapon.”
Women going clubbing
are unlikely to carry a purse.
They are also concerned
about their physical safety.
Self-defense jewelry
is a simple solution
to this issue
yet one a woman
was much more likely
to derive.
Because we KNOW
this issue
exists for us.
There are so many products
we, women, need,
ranging from the simple
-functional pockets on our clothing,
for example,
to the complex
-more comfortable mammograms.
Consider developing
one of these products.
Change our world
for the better.