Diversity is the future.
Some folks are fighting it.
I suspect
they’re scared of it,
scared of changing,
of growing.
I’m embracing diversity.
I see it as a wonderful thing.
Being around a variety of people
makes me more intelligent,
more interesting,
It also makes my business
and more resilient.
Jessica O. Matthews,
Founder of
Uncharted Power
“A lot of people
talk about diversity
almost like a charity.
To me,
diversity is the key
to maintaining your business.
It is internally
disrupting your business
so that it’s not externally
disrupted by other businesses.
Women should embrace
this advantage of
being able to look at
situations in a new way,
because smart business means
having the ability
to do just that.”
The future is diverse.
Decide how you plan
to deal with that.