Take The Risk

The biggest risk
I ever took
was leaving the
six figure corporate job
I enjoyed
to build businesses.

I mitigated my risk
by having savings,
by taking contract jobs
to assist with cash flow
and with the loneliness
that often comes
with building a business

But there were still risks.
I had jumped off
the corporate executive track
for the great unknown.

Even when
those first baby businesses
I didn’t regret that decision.

Building businesses is
what I’m meant to do.

Sascha Mojtahedi,

“The biggest risk
I ever took was
quitting my job
to become an entrepreneur.
You really have
to believe in yourself
and your ideas.”

It will likely be the biggest risk
you ever take
in your career
but, for me,
it was well worth it.

Take the risk.

Enroute Magazine