The Odds Of Business Building Success

I’ve read several articles recently
discouraging new grads
from starting their own businesses.

The articles stress
how low
the odds of success are.

Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic,
a professor,

“…I think we have a responsibility
to inform people
that the probability
of attaining that
is really, really, really low,
and that to actually attain it,
they’re going have to sacrifice
so many things.”

This is absolutely true
but it is absolutely true
of ANY success.

That high paying entry level job
at a well known company?
THAT is damn difficult to land also.
Keeping that job
is often more difficult.

And I think the common assumption
in these articles
that new grads
have no business building experience
might be wrong.

This generation grew up
with compatriots building YouTube businesses,
writing books,
engaging in other business building experiences.

Many of them
have tried their own ventures.
They know it is difficult.
They know they might fail.

They are trying again

The odds of building
a successful business
are low
but they ARE greater than zero.

There ARE success stories.

One of those success stories
could be yours.