You Might Be An A$$hat If…

A writer contacted me
about the issues
she has been having
setting up her account
with a bookseller.

She has a simple issue,
has been contacting them
for 2 weeks.
It still hasn’t been resolved.

In her communication to me,
she mentioned ‘customer support in India’
3 times in a derogatory sense.
She asked me
how she could resolve her issue.

I said I didn’t know
but that was a lie.
How could she resolve her issue?

She could stop being a racist a$$hat.

Having worked with
the same customer service team
on multiple issues over the years,
I know, while they might have Indian names,
they speak better English
and know more about the issue she’s having
than she does.

I suspect they haven’t helped her
because they don’t WANT to help her.

Being an a$$hat is like being stupid.
You don’t know you’re one
until someone points it out,
which makes it challenging
to correct the problem.

Here are some signs that
you might be an a$$hat…
– You’re a regular at a coffee shop or restaurant
and they never get your order right.
– You work with someone once
and they never suggest you work together again.
– Folks don’t respond
to your emails/messages quickly.
– You contact one person
and another person responds.
– You don’t hear about opportunities
until it is too late for you
to become involved.

It might seem like
being an a$$hat is a good thing
right now
but it isn’t.
It makes building businesses
VERY difficult.

Don’t be an a$$hat.