Competing For Media Coverage

I release a book (product)
every two months.
The date I choose
for a release
can mean the difference
between good sales
and GREAT sales.

I try to choose a date
with as little competition
as a possible.

I don’t really care
about the competition
for sales.
Readers (customers), when they hear
about my books,
are either interested
in them or
they aren’t.

I’m concerned about
media coverage,
about whether or not
readers will HEAR
about my book release.

If one thousand great books
are released that same day,
folks are less likely
to share news about my book.

If it is a Royal Wedding weekend
and my promotion has nothing
to do with Royalty or Weddings,
it is less likely to be shared.

If the big bloggers are
taking time off
(in August, as usual),
my book information
is less likely to be shared.

If you plan to announce
a new business opening,
a new product release,
or other big news,
choose a date
you will have less competition
for media coverage.

Categorized as Marketing