Creativity Can Be Learned

I’m a USA Today Best Selling Writer.
Right now, thousands of readers (customers)
are waiting for my next book release.

I wasn’t born with a natural talent
for writing or storytelling.
I was an ‘okay’ writer
but I wrote every day
(in my diary, on blogs,
on fictional pieces).
I took workshops and courses
(I still do this).
I worked d*mn hard
at improving my writing.

And now,
I’m considered to be
one of the best writers
in my niche.

As Seth Godin

“We sell ourselves short
when we argue that
there’s something magical
about creative work,
something that can only happen
if we’re born to do it.”

It is a skill like any other.
You can learn it,
master it,
make a career from it.

Don’t let a lack
of natural gifts stop you.