When I was a kid,
I was dirt poor.
We didn’t eat every day
(yes, here in North America).
That’s how broke we were.
I thought money
was the most important
a person could ever have.
If I had cash,
I could do anything,
I thought.
Today, if you gave me
the choice
one million dollars in cash
being the best friend
of a billionaire,
I would choose
being the billionaire’s best friend.
Being the billionaire’s best friend
would likely mean
I’d know quite a few other billionaires.
(They tend to hang out together.)
I’d have access
to all of the cash I ever wanted.
If you’re struggling for startup cash
for your new business,
your issue isn’t truly lack of money.
It is the lack of ACCESS to money.
The number of ways
you can solve THAT problem
is unlimited.