I posted a comment
about liking a certain type of story.
One of the replies started with
“You probably wouldn’t like my story
My comment back?
“It sounds like something
I’d enjoy
but I trust you, (writer)
and I’ll take your word for it.”
If you’re sincere
about “You likely won’t like it”
well, that’s honest
and I respect that.
If you steer the prospect
toward another product of yours,
you will likely get a sale.
If you’re using this
as a marketing tactic,
hoping the prospect
will try to prove you wrong,
You don’t want that type
of customer.
The customers you DO want,
the customers who will listen to you,
respect your opinion,
won’t buy your product.
If someone else says this
to you about THEIR product,
believe them.
Walk away from that purchase
or partnership.
Think before you use
‘You likely won’t like it.’