A client k reader
emailed me
asking why I thought
folks are resisting
the move to renewable energy.
I don’t think
they’re resisting
the move to renewable energy.
I think
they’re resisting
It is human nature
to resist change.
Change is scary.
Change is risky.
Change is hard work.
Change requires thinking
crafting new systems.
As we grow older,
that resistance grows stronger.
If we just delay the inevitable
for X years,
we won’t have to deal
with the change at all.
We’ll be dead.
As business builders,
we can’t afford
to think that way.
We’re building businesses
that will, hopefully, last
long after we’re dead.
These businesses
will have to deal with the changes.
As their founders,
it is best if we’re the people
who make the changes,
who build these changes
into our plans.
If you know a change is coming,
embrace it.