There is a photo floating around
social media.
A quick service restaurant
has a hand-written sign posted,
saying ‘No Frise. Sorry.’
The message on this photo is
‘The guy that wrote this sign
wants $15.00 an hour.”
The guy who wrote that sign
DESERVES $15.00 an hour
(either now or eventually).
Does he have a spelling error
in his sign?
Unless he’s selling decorative items,
yes, he does.
But some of the
most successful entrepreneurs
on the planet
have learning challenges.
Richard Branson, for example,
has dyslexia.
That didn’t stop him
from building an empire.
In today’s world,
with spellcheck loaded
on every device,
knowing how to spell
adds little value.
Having drive, however,
is rare.
This ‘guy’ had the initiative
to put up a sign,
to solve a problem,
he had the customer service savvy
to say ‘Sorry.’
This is an employee
any business builder
should be happy to employ,
to train,
to advance.
The average person
sees the trivial
– the spelling error,
the mistake.
The business builder
sees the important
– the initiative,
the customer service,
the exceptional employee.
Think like a business builder.