The unionized workers for Canada Post
are threatening customers
with service disruptions.
They’ve already taken unethical action
by returning mail due to insufficient funds
(even though this mail
DID have sufficient funds),
slowing delivery,
and outright losing mail.
Threatening customers worked
when there was no competition.
Now that bills can be paid online
and packages can be delivered
via FedEx or UPS or other companies,
all these threats do
is drive away customers.
But-but-but you’d never threaten customers.
I suspect you have… in some way.
I don’t earn enough from one genre of fiction
to continue writing in it.
I casually mentioned that to a reader.
She viewed it as a threat,
that if she didn’t help promote my books
and increase sales,
I’d stop writing the stories she loved.
She helped promote my stories for a while,
found out how hard increasing sales was,
and now she reads a more successful writer’s stories.
Think twice
before threatening customers.
You’re not the only game in town.