One thing I learned quickly
in the writing business
is that readers can feel the love
a writer has for the story.
This is true of any product development.
Customers know
when someone loves the product
they developed.
It is in the little details,
the things others might not notice.
Firefly fans feel the love
Nathan Fillion
has for that franchise
and they love him for it.
They love that he’ll dress in the costume
for his newer role on Castle.
Nathan Fillion
once shared
“I tell you,
Best job I ever had.
Heartbroken when it was canceled,
but had it not been canceled,
I never would have gotten ‘Serenity’.
I think ‘Serenity’
is the most incredible thing
I’ve ever been able
to actually get my hands on
and do.
I can’t even tell you
how much love
I have for that project.”
The thing is…
viewers CAN tell.
Figure out a way
to love what you’re developing.
Your prospects and customers
will know.