Remove Bottlenecks

One of my series
(product lines)
is very successful right now.
Readers (buyers) are waiting
for the next release.
The sooner I release the next story,
the faster I’ll build my sales.

So I reviewed my process.
It turned out
one of my bottlenecks
was cover art
I would wait
until the story was completed
to ask for cover art.
Cover art is a big part of marketing.
I didn’t want to request it
until I knew how I was marketing
the book.

I noticed,
that my view of how to market
the story
was pretty much set
after I’d written the first three chapters.
I didn’t have to wait
until the entire story was written
to request cover art.
That one small tweak
saved me a month.

Mike Michalowicz

“You don’t have to
make everything run faster.
You just have to fix the parts
of your process
that slow the whole works down.
Fix what’s broken,
and everything may run smoother.”

Remove the bottlenecks.