Linking Content

If the goal of your blog
is to keep people reading
as long as possible
(That is NOT the goal of this blog.
My goal is to inspire you
as quickly as possible
so you can go out there
and change the world.),
linking to other content
is a great strategy.

Erika Napoletano

“First, does every blog post you create
link to another blog post?
In the paragraph above,
I linked to a previous article
I wrote about Google Analytics.
It’s relevant and gives you
the opportunity to click through
and get started using that tool directly.
By linking to your previous content,
you’re both giving your reader
the opportunity to stay on your site longer
and refresh something
you might have written
a moon or two ago.
A good rule is to always link to
at least one previous blog post
—just don’t get crazy with the links.”

This also a great strategy
if you wish to sell more books.
At the end of every book,
I link to another book
the reader might like.

If you have the content,
consider linking to it.

Categorized as Marketing