The Power Of Story

Story is powerful.
Hey, it is my main product.
can make millions
by giving readers one great story.

Every business can benefit
from telling a great story.

Rachel Shechtman,
Founder of STORY,
a unique retail store,

“Back in the day,
a retailer could compete on
price, quality and/or service.
Now, those are assumed.
You need to have a reason
for someone to spend time
in your store.
Today, people can have household essentials
delivered to their door in an hour,
so why leave your house?

The answer—surprise and delight!
A compelling experience.

Storytelling is
more important than ever
for retailers, and businesses in general,
to differentiate themselves.
It’s more than a trend,
it’s a fundamental shift
—both a challenge and opportunity.”

The great thing is…
stories don’t have to cost much.
You could write one yourself
or I know writers who will craft
a story around your products
for a ridiculously low fee.

Consider harnessing
the power of story.