Thanking The Host

I’m invited to guest host
at quite a few Facebook parties.

There’s a reason why
I’m in demand
as a guest host.

I always end my guest hosting stint
with a post,
thanking the organizing writers,
asking attendees if they’ve bought their books,
supplying the buy links.

It takes a minute
but it means so much,
even more
because many writers don’t do this.

I was recently asked
to contribute a guest post
on a huge romance blog.

In this guest post,
I referenced (in a positive way)
a blog post
the blogger had written.

This was my thank you
and it was greatly appreciated.
I’ve already been asked back.

Thanking your host
isn’t merely the polite thing to do.
It is the business savvy thing
to do.

Show your gratitude.

Categorized as Marketing