Distracting Opportunities

I was contacted by a writer
who was in the same niche
I was.
She proposed that
we put together a boxed set
of new stories.
She’d share her readers
with me
I’d share my readers
with her.
We’d both grow our readership.

This writer is known
for being unethical.
My gut told me
she was f*cking with me.

But the opportunity
was too lush to ignore
I figured I could use the story
I agreed.

Months later,
yep, the boxed set
isn’t going to happen.

It turns out
this writer does this quite often.
She’ll ‘distract’ her perceived competition
with enticing opportunities
that will never happen.

Remember that
the next time
you’re presented with an opportunity.
Ask yourself
“Is this a real opportunity
or merely a distraction?”