If you’re serious about gaining sales
or being successful,
you have to learn how to deal
with rejection.
“There is something
you DO need to cope with
– and it’s what kippers
99.999% of salespeople.
You have to deal with
endless rejections
“No, No, No…”
Most salespeople get “rejected”
more often in month
than others are in a lifetime.
It can be tough
and it does take resilience.
But you can’t be successful in sales
without the rejections –
mathematically it’s impossible
(don’t let anybody tell you differently).
It’s all about numbers.”
I get rejected every da*n day,
often multiple times a day.
I also ‘offend’ people
(because some people are offended
when you simply mention your products
– in my case, my books).
Learn how to deal with it.