The Issues In Our Minds

A client or partner or friend
hasn’t been responding
to your emails.
You usually email every day
and she hasn’t responded
for two weeks.

This happened to me recently.
My first thought was
“She’s angry with me,
has crossed me off her friend list.”
I worried.
If I contacted her,
she might tell me
she was deliberately ignoring
my emails.
That would hurt.
Maybe it would be better
to let the friendship fade away.

That’s not the type of person I am.
I’m a fighter.
I sent her an private message
via Facebook.
It turns out
she never received the dozen emails.

We ALL do this.
We try to avoid
what we think will be
uncomfortable confrontations.
These confrontations
are always less hostile
than the ones we build up in our minds.

Make that call/send that email

Categorized as Marketing