Your Staff Represents YOU

There has been some push back
in the Romance Writing Industry
over aggressive street teams.
(street teams are groups of readers
who help writers market
their books)

Some street teams are bashing
books written by other writers
and doing other negative things.
The writers
of these hostile street teams
are claiming they didn’t know
or approve of these actions.

That’s bullsh*t.

I’ve never had an issue
with members of my street team
doing or saying things
that don’t represent me.
It is my job
to manage them,
to ensure I know what they’re doing
because when they’re promoting my books,
they’re representing me.

John Jantsch shares

“While you might not always
think of your staff
as an offline marketing tactic,
the way that they interact
with your prospects and customers
is certainly a big part of the experience.
Smart firms know this,
and know how to turn it
into a competitive advantage.

Based on a 2011 survey
commissioned by RightNow
and conducted by Harris Interactive,
86 percent of consumers said
they would pay up to 25 percent or more
for a better experience.”

Your staff represents you
and your brand.
Take time to manage them.

Categorized as Marketing