The Midnight Start

If I announce that
a sale starts
at midnight on the 22nd,
the average person
won’t know when this is.

Is it tonight
or tomorrow night?
Is 12 midnight the end of the day
or the start of the day?

(Technically, midnight belongs to neither day
so it is open to interpretation)

In the best case scenario,
you will receive calls
and you’ll have the opportunity
to talk to these prospects
about your product.
You won’t, of course, mock them
about not knowing the difference.
Prospects who feel stupid
don’t buy.

Many prospects who feel stupid
won’t ask either,
especially if they’re undecided
about the product, service, or event.
Instead, they might show up
a day early
or a day late
expecting the event to happen
or they won’t show up
at the event at all.

There’s rarely a need to start anything
at midnight.
Avoid this time slot.

Categorized as Marketing