Creating Connections

My primary goal
as a writer
is to make my reader (prospect)
care about my story (product).
My first page,
first paragraph,
first sentence
is designed to create a connection
between the reader and the story.

Because sales don’t occur
unless there’s a connection.

Telling a story about the product
is one of the easiest ways
for business owners
to create this connection.
Stephanie Walden
gives an example.

“Zady is a new ecommerce venture
that specializes in ethically made goods
(apparel, accessories and home products)
with transparent supply chains.
Each product
(like this red crepe de chine blouse
from Steven Alan)
tells a story about the maker,
often taking shoppers directly
into a designer’s studio.
Including these backstories
adds a personal touch
and allows customers to feel
a sense of connection
to the product or brand
—factors that promote sales.”

Create a connection
with your prospects.

Categorized as Marketing