Trust And Always Saying Yes

I have reading buddies
who claim to LOVE every single thing
I write.
I’ve written over 60 very different stories.
I find it very difficult to trust
that these buddies truly love everything
I write.

I go to these reading buddies
when my confidence is flagging
and I need a boost.

when I want an honest opinion
about one of my stories,
I talk to someone else,
someone who has the balls
to tell me when a story doesn’t work.

As Erika Napoletano

“The reality is,
nodding your head nonstop
won’t net you the trusted relationships
your business needs to grow and thrive.
Think of the people in your life
who are nonstop “yes machines.”
Do you trust them
to tell you the truth
or do you know they’ll only tell you
what you want to hear?

Your ability to say no
when a no is warranted
can help you reclaim your business
from overly controlling clients.
It can also help you build your reputation
as an honest partner
that’s willing to have tough conversations
in the interest of doing better business
and achieving better results.”

We don’t trust people
who always say yes.
If you want to be trusted,
you HAVE to say no.