Outsourcing To Friends

During this past book release,
I outsourced (nonessential) duties to friends.
Many folks think
when they outsource to friends,
they’ll be a priority for them.
These contractor friends
will do their best work for them.

The truth is often
the opposite.

People are lazy.
They seek to do as little as possible.
Our friends are people.
Our friends also know
we’ll hesitate before pushing them,
before asking for work to be redone.
We’ll often accept crap from them
that we wouldn’t accept from other vendors.
AND we’ll likely pay full price for this crap.

In my case,
not one contractor friend did
what I paid her to do
in a way that equaled her normal work.
none of these tasks were essential
to my success.

Unless your friend is extremely professional,
think twice about outsourcing work to her.