9 To 5 Envy

Entrepreneurs don’t often talk about it

But as Carla Young shares

“It happens to every solopreneur
at one time or another.
the freedom and flexibility
of having the ultimate control
of your destiny gives over to jealousy
for your corporate friends
with cushy 9-to-5 jobs
where all they have to do
to pay the mortgage is
show up…”

9 to 5 envy happens.

I work nights.
I work weekends.
My friends and family members
watch TV
and go to the cottage.
It would be unrealistic
NOT to be envious.

But this envy passes.

When I first made the switch,
I’d take a corporate-type contract job
and the envy would dissipate
within a couple weeks.

Now, I’ll take a weekend off.
I’ll watch TV like “normal” people do.
I’ll then get bored
and go back to business building.

9 to 5 envy happens.
Expect it.