Don’t Vote To Eliminate Your Own Business

US National Teamsters
refused to
endorse a US Presidential Candidate
even though
one candidate supports unions
and the other candidate,
if he could,
would eliminate all unions
and throw the union leaders in jail.

That’s bullsh*t thinking
and bullsh*t strategy.

It is the same type
of strategy
that put a union-hating leader (Ford)
and party (the Conservatives)
in power in
Ontario, Canada.

And you know what
is happening now
Ontario, Canada?

Union jobs are being eliminated
and the rollout of new unions
are being blocked.

We should support political leaders
who support us.

For you and me,
those are
leaders who are favorable
to small business.

Fascists are NOT favorable
to small business
or start ups of any kind.

Don’t vote
to eliminate your own business.